2017年12月30日 星期六

The Mini Christmas Tree (校長公開授課)

As the Christmas Day approaching, each child made a mini and unique Christmas tree. Creating materials came from locally-grown wood and cones.

The Mini/Handmade Christmas Tree
The Mini/Handmade Christmas Tree
How did we make the creations? Because the cone of pine looks like a mini tree, even a Christmas tree, children collected the cones on campus or other forests in autumn. Then the “Christmas tree” needed to rest on a base, and we thought the lumber would be the best choice as its natural style is suitable to the pine cone. Therefore, children collected some wood on campus, which was broken down by the typhoons or other reasons.

An amazing hands-on learning project
The pine cones
Sandpapering the wood materials
The next stage is the application of the mathematics and the engineering. The children chose the appropriate lumber and calculated the sizes of the mini tree’s “base” and “trunk”. Then they sawed the branches and sandpapered the materials to be smooth. After that, children used the hand drill to drill a hole in the base lumber and the pine cone.

Calculating the wood materials
Demonstrating how to cut a branch
Cooperating to cut the branch
Cutting the branch
Cooperating to drill a hole in the lumber base
Demonstrating how to drill a hole
Cooperating to drill a hole in the pine cone
Cooperating to drill a hole in the pine cone
Cooperating to drill a hole in the pine cone
Cooperating to drill a hole in the pine cone
And they needed to confirm that the branch, as a “trunk”, could join the base wood and the pine cone closely. The last step in this stage is to glue the base lumber, branch, and pine cone.

Assuring the junction
Assuring the junction
Assuring the junction
Decorating the mini Christmas tree was the final work. Some children colored the tree white, green or blue. Some children glued some stars, pearls or ribbons on the tree. They are not only the carpenters but also the artists. Through the beautifying process, all the children felt the happy atmosphere of the Christmas. Don’t doubt it! This amazing hands-on learning enhanced the pupils' various skills. Thank director Wu, Mr. Juan, and Mr. Hsieh very much for their help.Dashan Elementary School, 28/12/2017

Decorating the mini Christmas tree
Decorating the mini Christmas tree
Decorating the mini Christmas tree
Decorating the mini Christmas tree
The Mini/Handmade Christmas Tree
The Mini/Handmade Christmas Tree
The Mini/Handmade Christmas Tree


