2019年1月16日 星期三

Waste wood toy car

The fourth grader were learning the scientific concepts of transport and energy in the Science and Technology class, and exploring how to make the toy car move. Therefore, Director Huang taught these children to make their own toy cars. The materials came from the scrapped desks, chairs and mop sticks in the school. We considered both the practice of resource reuse and the literacy of hands-on creation in the course.

Making  toy car from waste wood.
Waste wood toy car.
Guiding design thinking.
Mandarin Daily News, May 21,2019, P.14
The teacher instructed children to saw 4 small round pieces from the scrapped mop sticks. Then they used the square and triangle to find out the circle center of the round piece, and drilled a hole. These components are the four tires of the "toy car".

Teaching how to saw.
Sawing the scrapped mop sticks
Small round pieces from the scrapped mop sticks. 
Guiding how to drill.
Cooperating to drill the hole.
Drilling a hole in the circle center.
Making the tires of toy car.
The tires of wooden toy car.
The next step, children used the disassembled wood from the desks and chairs to make the body of the "toy car". Both measuring the size and cutting the materials need to depend on the basic mathematical operations. The toy car learning process with "Eco-friendly materials" is based on the “STEAM” and cross-disciplinary approaches.

Cutting the waste wood.
Grinding the wood by machine.
Grinding the wood by machine.

In fact, this is also the practice of Dewey's thinking: "learning by doing"  which greatly enhances students’ motivation and interest. No child escapes from learning! Especially, children needed to constantly find successful methods in the creating process, and they also improved themselves the frustration tolerance effectively!

Waste wood toy car -讓玩具車動起來影片:https://youtu.be/_7x17cbKsL4

After each child completing the task, we held a racing competition for the wooden toy cars. These toy cars were compared speeds on the inclined track. Then children explored the reasons of slow speed and found out the key factors of faster speed of the toy cars. Both observation and inference are the important key competencies in science learning. (Dashan Elementary School, 16/01/2019)

Drilling the hole by machine.
The waste wood toy cars.
All children finished the project.
A racing competition for the wooden toy cars.
Exploring the key factors of faster speed.
Exploring the reasons of slow speed.


